
My fellow travelers, and everybody else NOT sitting in a Tuk Tuk.

Today you find yourselves all very lucky. For I have the privilege and the pleasure of introducing to you a Tuk Tuk Driver extraordinaire. A driver who can trace his feats back to when he got his first drivers licence, many years ago.

Mr Thai Cowboy and Tuk Tuk Phnom PenhI first met him sitting with his cowboy hat on in his Tuk Tuk on the Riverwalk in Phnom Penh. He was praying to the heavens for the rain to stop. And it did.

Then, he thrilled me by driving me all over Phnom Penh, in a Tuk Tuk with giant water buffalo horns on the front.

All the while he was chatting and pointing out local sights. We went to places that some of the locals have even forgotten about.

While at the Russian and Central Markets he spent time guarding all my purchases, as I went shopping for still more bargains.

When I wanted to have a quick cruise up the Mekong he showed me the best local cruiser to take.

When I was hungry and thirsty he took me to splendid cafes on the Riverwalk for a bit of welcome R&R. All the while he was keeping a sharp lookout for the safety of all the local street kids, keeping them from harm.

At the end of every day he drove me back to my hotel. And every morning he was waiting to do it all over again. He is witty and he is funny.

I introduce to you, Mr Thai “Cowboy”.

Mr Thai Cowboy Phnom Penh

Mr Thai (nickname “Cowboy”) would have to be the best Tuk Tuk driver in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. You can easily spot the Tuk Tuk Cowboy, his is the only Thailand style Tuk Tuk in Phnom Penh that has a great pair of water buffalo horns on the front, and he wears a cowboy hat.

When not busy with tourists you can often find him on the corner of the Riverwalk and 136 Street.